Upcoming Research

Healthcare Venture Studios – Expected July 2024

Bioastronautics – Fall 2024

Clinical Trials and Emerging Technology – Fall 2024


Aesthetics and MedSpa Market Update – Nov 2023 Medical aesthetics is a fast growing field within medicine that focuses on improving a person’s appearance, enhancing their sense of well-being or to cure certain medical conditions. The growth in this trend, approx $9b in 2022 expected to surge to $14b by 2027, is driven by a growing desire for improved physical well-being, rising female labor force participation, and advancements in technology.  Read Here



White Paper – Gen AI in Healthcare – Partnerships and Investment Update – Aug 2023 Gen AI is a rapidly evolving ecosystem of tools with the potential to transform healthcare in unprecedented ways, ranging from assistive applications to medical coding to clinical applications. The healthcare industry currently faces many pressing issues, all of which Gen AI could potentially address if developed responsibly, diligently, and with the goal of augmenting human capabilities, not replacing them.  Read Here


White Paper – Healthcare Cybersecurity and Compliance – Investment Update – Jan 2023 Cybersecurity is a top concern at hospitals and healthcare providers and even now with M&A professionals within due diligence. The growth in security breaches and regulatory requirements has increased the need of expert service providers to support and protect. Read the summary of the current market issues, statistics, investors, and outlook for the healthcare cybersecurity industry.  Read Here


White Paper – Cryptocurrency in Healthcare – October 2021

Read what cryptocurrency is, where it is practical within healthcare, & some projects that are currently implementing it.  Read Here


White Paper – Arrival of Autonomous Vehicles in Transportation – August 2020

Read the latest on autonomous vehicles and applications and opportunities in trucking and healthcare.

Read Here


White Paper – Women’s Health Investments – June 2020

Read the latest on the women’s health space

Read Here



White Paper – VR/AR in Healthcare – February 2019

Read the latest on the usage cases for VR/AR in the healthcare sector.

Read Here



White Paper – Personalized Medicine Revolution – Fall 2016
Read the latest on the changing personalized medicine market including genomic sequencing and what it means to your health or business.
LECO Personalized Medicine Whitepaper Sept 2016
White Paper – Telehealth Opportunities and Challenges Fall 2015
Read the latest on the changing telehealth market.
Telehealth Opportunities and Challenges -White Paper Oct 2015